Thursday, April 23, 2015

Caterpillar Life Cycle

Caterpillar Life Cycle By Ms. Fox

Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.

4.1e Each generation of animals goes through changes in form from young to adult. This completed sequence of changes in form is called a life cycle. Some insects change from egg to larva to pupa to adult. 

4.1f Each kind of animal goes through its own stages of growth and development during its life span. 

Instructions for Researching the Life Cycle of a Caterpillar
  1. First, look at all of the pictures with your partner and discuss what you notice about each picture. What are in the pictures? What do you think you are going to learn about today? 
  2. Next, read what you are supposed to be learning about today. Go through the questions that you have to answer, so you know what to look for while researching. 
  3. Then, explore the page by clicking on all of the links. You have to click on the underlined words and then click on the links. You will see videos, a book, and information about today's lesson. 
  4. Finally, discuss everything that you learned about caterpillars with your partner. Answer all of the questions on this page by commenting. Each answer should be written in complete sentences. 

Click Underlined Words to Watch a Puppet Show: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Click Underlined Words to Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Click Underlined Words to Watch a Video of: The Life Cycle of the Monarch Caterpillar

Click Underlined Words to Play: Caterpillar to Butterfly Life Cycle Game

Click Underlined Words to Discover Information About: Life Cycle of a Caterpillar

Click Underlined Words to Learn More About: Steps of Caterpillar Life Cycle

Questions About the Caterpillar Life Cycle
  • How many steps are in the life cycle of a caterpillar? 

  • What are the names of steps in the life cycle of a caterpillar? Make sure that you list them in the correct order.

  • What happens during each step in the life cycle of a caterpillar? Where did you find your information?

  • Why do you think the caterpillar in "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" got a stomachache?